If you created your account before 28th July 2023, please go to “Activate Account” tab instead. We have recently updated our website and kindly ask you to create a new password.
If you created your account before 28th July 2023, we kindly ask you to activate your account here and create a new password.
Free shipping above 350 DKK | Free 30-day returns
The convenient 2-pack is the perfect complement to your Carbonator 3 – and your everyday life. Made of high-quality PET, our Water Bottle is specifically engineered for safe use with our Carbonator I, II and 3 sparkling water makers.
We only use food-grade, virgin PET. This means that our bottles are non-toxic, BPA-free and do not contain any harmful chemicals. Our bottles have also been tested and approved according to the German LFGB standard, California Prop 65 and FDA CFR 21.